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We provide its customers with a comprehensive service that goes far beyond the usual supply of finished products.
High qualifications and years of experience of the company’s emploguaranteeiding the Customer with the most complete and comprehensive information regarding the operation and use of the equipment provided.
Prompt provision of branded spare parts and technical assistance guarantees full confidence in the smooth functioning of the equipment throughout its operation, guarantees the best and most efficient use of machinery and equipment, and, most importantly, allows to allocate and use available resources propellered.
Esquire Corp AG has its service department, which provides warranty and post-warranty service.
Highly professional technical specialists and service mechanics with extensive experience in the practical operation of the provided equipment carry out both regular scheduled and emergency visits to work sites. If necessary, additional training and instruction are provided to ensure that the equipment and tools supplied by us work with the highest efficiency.
We stay with the customer throughout the lifetime of the equipment and/or the project.
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Our Contacts
c/o Studio legale Zandrini,
Via Vegezzi 6, 6900 Lugano.